Village of Concord


A Historic Place

Most of the buildings located in the downtown area are the original buildings from when Concord was first settled in 1831. The first settler was John Acker. Many families followed because of the rich virgin soil in Concord. Concord was named this because of the peace, harmony, and good feeling the people enjoyed as they worked and neighbored together.

The Mann house, which is a historic landmark in Concord, was constructed in 1883-1884. The building is a Victorian structure with touches of other time period characteristics. Many of the furnishings in the house now are from the 1884 time period. The Paddock-Hubbard house, another historic site located in Concord, was built for a Mr. Alfred J. Paddock. He moved here with his family. During the summer of 1906 Buffalo Bill Cody came to the village with his well known show. The show was set up in an open field behind the Universalist church on Union Street. This was considered the perfect spot because it was next to the rails. The show, like many other things back then, was brought by rail. Speaking of railroads, the “Underground Railroad” had a route through Concord. One of these stops was ” Taylor the Tailor” shop; There were two wood hiding places located in it. One was a trap door under the floor and the other was the narrow stairway. One of the grandsons of James David Taylor, who was the founder of the shop, remembered seeing several slaves waiting at this “Underground Railroad Station” for the cover of night, to take off to the next station.

The Bank Robbery of Concord was another historic thing that happened here. It took place on November 9, 1917 early in the morning around 12:30. Frank N. Aldrich was the cashier at the time and witnessed the whole thing from his window across the street. A more recent event to happen was the boys Varsity Basketball team won the BIG 8 conference. Concord is a very historic place and remains to be. People of the community have done what they can to preserve the historic sites and documents. If you are interested in more of the history of Concord refer to “Reflections in the Pond” a book published by Concord Heritage Association.